This intensive workshop is designed for beginning, new, and for experienced beekeepers desiring a firm foundation in the art and science of beekeeping management. The two-part 10.5-hour course is hosted by the Johnson County Missouri Beekeepers Association.
The JoCoMoBA professional team of presenters come from a pool of seasoned and commercial beekeepers.
Questions? May also call 660-656-3485 or 660-525-5828
The agenda will include:
Part 1 – Bee Biology; Beekeeping Equipment; Acquiring Bees; Package Bees and Nuc Installation and Care; Spring, Fall, and Winter Seasonal Management; Bee Diseases and Pests; Integrated Pest Management; Educational Opportunities; Honey Plants; Extracting Honey; Beekeeping Etiquette; Questions and Answers; and a chance to win a Complete Colony of Honey Bees!
Part 2 – “Hands on” Woodenware Assembly; Location: Urban and Rural Hives; and “Pick Up” of ordered equipment.
$75 Pre-Registration Fee includes: Beekeeping Handbook, membership in the association, > 155 page presentation notebook, > 10 page monthly newsletter, door prizes, refreshments, lunch, and a chance to win a colony of honey bees. Beekeeping Supply Vendors will be on site.
Part II March 20th @ 6:00PM
Date and Time: