Participants who enroll in the GPMB training program can attend courses, workshops, and field days offered in various states to fulfill the educational credit requirements and become certified. These events may be offered by different institutions, colleges, or beekeeping associations. However, all instructors are vetted through the program and must be at the Master Beekeeper level to ensure the highest quality of training. Educational credits can be earned through in-person training or online modules. 

IN-PERSON TRAINING/ WORKSHOPS: Beekeeping workshops are a valuable way to get started and refine your skills as you gain experience. These workshops are offered through universities, bee clubs, associations, and individual instructors. The Great Plains Master Beekeeping program only accepts credits from certified, reputable beekeeping instructors toward your education. The scientific knowledge of bees and their behavior gained in these workshops will help many beekeepers navigate challenging situations and provide a foundation for discussing new ideas and strategies with fellow beekeepers. Staying current with your courses and continuously engaging in educational opportunities will ensure you remain informed about the ever-evolving and fascinating world of bees. Please refer to the “Courses” tab for a list of participating classes, locations, and registration details. 

ONLINE MODULES: Online training offers flexibility, allowing you to learn anytime, anywhere. When your bees are not flying, you can easily hop online to expand your knowledge. Online training complements in-person workshops, providing GPMB members with an additional perspective on similar topics while reinforcing the core knowledge necessary to keep bees thriving. At the end of each module and level, you will be tested on your retention of the curriculum, ensuring that your understanding of bees grows at your own pace and learning style. 

Submit your In-Person Training HERE  


Field experience and training hours are required for each level of the Great Plains Master Beekeeping course. Hands-on training opportunities are offered by partnering associations and instructors at GPMB teaching apiaries. Mentors also offer field training opportunities to help maintain their association hives or their own personal hives. These hands-on training opportunities ensures that beekeepers gain not only the technical knowledge of how to manage bees but also an understanding of the subtle nuances involved in their care. The practical knowledge gained from workshops and courses becomes much clearer when applied within a living bee hive and when practices are deployed to help “scale up” to a larger operation. Be sure to work with a beekeeping mentor from your association or club as you begin, as they must verify your hours for credit. 

  • Working hives with an approved GPMB or partnering association mentor (either in your own hives or theirs)  is the ideal type of field experience that we encourage GPMB members to complete for this requirement. Field experiences should include some or all of the following tasks: 
  • Hive inspections/checks 
  • Extracting or harvesting honey 
  • Monitoring & Ttreating for mites 
  • Building equipment for your bees 
  • Processing beeswax or other hive products 

If you need assistance finding a teaching apiary, please visit the GPMB apiary map.  

If you need assistance finding a mentor, please reach out to your association or the Great Plains Master Beekeeping program staff.  

Submit your Field Training Hours HERE 



Volunteering is a vital component of the Great Plains Master Beekeeping program as it fosters community involvement and builds experience as a bee advocate. Advocating for bees to the public helps make beekeeping a more prominent topic and can drive changes that benefit the entire beekeeping community. Additionally, volunteering enhances your confidence as a beekeeper and deepens your engagement with the community.  You can volunteer through bee associations or even reach out to the Great Plains Master Beekeeping program and get set up with outreach events near you. Just remember to have a mentor or someone to contact that can vouch for your service to their association or cause. 

Volunteer Hours can be earned by: 

  • Speaking to a civic group, school, 4-H, or other group about bees, beekeeping, or pollination. 
  • Participating in an interview for a radio, TV, or newspaper story about beekeeping on behalf of the beekeeping industry, GPMB, and or our partnering associations. 
  • Assisting an individual in preparing a state or county fair exhibit (regarding bees or beekeeping). 
  • Speaking to a club about some aspect of beekeeping (must have some educational objective or focus). 
  • Assisting with a state or national beekeeping meeting. 
  • Serve as an officer in a beekeeping club or association. 
  • Spending time working an educational display or exhibit regarding bees or beekeeping. 
  • Organize a new bee club or association. 
  • Write a newspaper, magazine, or newsletter article about some aspect of beekeeping. 
  • Teach an exploratory level beekeeping class (Journeyman/Master level). 
  • Teach a beginning beekeeping class (Master level only). 

*volunteer service hours performed prior to participating in the master beekeeping program cannot be claimed. 

Submit your Volunteering Hours HERE