Governing Committee:
The Governing Committee (GC) makes relevant decisions regarding up to date curriculum, lines of effort for the program, and is the idea generator for conferences and additional education. The names below are listed in no particular order.
Certified Master Beekeepers Officers Elected June 2, 2023:
Charlotte Ekker Wiggins, Rolla (MO) Bee Club, Chair
Chuck Dailey, The Beekeepers of Indiana, Vice-Chair
Megan Vetter, Nebraska Beekeepers Association
Pam Newell, Omaha (NE) Bee Club
Joli Winer, Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers
Becky Tipton, Kansas Honey Producers Association
Teresa Campbell, Missouri State Beekeepers Association
Christine Richards, Rolla Bee Club
Jason Foley, Iowa Honey Producers Association
Tim Olson, Northwest Iowa Beekeepers
Kirstin Bailey, Center for Rural Affairs (NE)
Randall Cass, Iowa State University
Ana Heck, Michigan State University
Dr. Adam Ingrao, Heroes to Hives, Michigan
The subcommittees spread the workload and allow for the GC to focus on discussion and not necessarily creation of content. They also allow for members of associations to contribute their individual states resources and thoughts on beekeeping nuances.
Content Subcommittee: Chair: Brad Sumter, NE
MISSION: Addressing Learning Objective education gaps
and soliciting and/or creating material to address those gaps.
Certifying courses and materials to be used in GPMB
programming both online and in person.
- Teresa Campbell, MO
- Joli Winer, KS
- Chuck Dailey, IN
- Kirstin Bailey, NE
- Charlotte Wiggins, MO
Online Testing Subcommittee. Chair: Teresa Campbell,
MISSION: To professionally develop online tests to educate and measure competency from one program level to the next.
- Dan Brouk, provisional journeyman, MO
- Charlotte Wiggins, master candidate, MO
- Henry Long, master candidate, MO
- Sharon Contini, retired teacher, MO
- David Draker, provisional journeyman, MO
- Judy Wu-Smart, NE
Master’s Project Subcommittee. Chair: Chuck Dailey, IN
MISSION: To review and recommend submitted master’s projects to fill existing content gaps and provide new GPMB tools.
- Teresa Campbell, MO
- Kirsten Bailey, NE
- Cory Stevens, MO
- Brad Sumter, NE
- Becky Tipton, KS
Open (Teaching) Apiaries Subcommittee. Chair: Chair BeckyTipton/KS and Judy Wu-Smart, NE
MISSION: Providing guidance for apiary teachers and answering questions regarding field training at Open Teaching Apiary sessions.
- Judy Wu-Smart, NE
- Megan Vetter, NE
- Daisy Warnick (Interim GPMB Project Coordinator)
- Ken Heitcamp, MO
- Dwayne Jansen
- Bill George, MO
- Charlotte Wiggins, MO
Orientation Subcommittee
Chair: Kathy Clay
Mission: providing answers and guidance on the workings, requirements, and benefits of the GPMB program to partners and interested parties. Conducts interviews and oversees the “Beeline” process.
- Chuck Dailey