Level 1 Beekeeping Course | Kimmel Orchard

Year 1 Beekeeping Course with Kimmel Orchard graphic


This is an introductory-level course that focuses on everything you need to start beekeeping, including topics on beekeeping equipment, protective gear, honey bee biology, stressors, and management basics.

Part I ~ Lectures and Demos: Saturday, April 13th (9 am - 4 pm) at Kimmel Orchard, 5995 G Road, Nebraska City 

      - Part I of the course includes lectures, hands-on activities, and demos by several speakers.

Part II ~ Field Day: Monday, April 15 (5 pm - 8 pm) at Kimmel Orchard, 5995 G Road, Nebraska City, NE. 

     - Part II of the course is a field day that gets you in the hives and takes the lessons from Part I into practice.

Learn how to set up the equipment, install and handle bees safely, and perform hive inspections. 

Registration required and cost is $55/person + $15 for additional family (lunch and snacks included). An optional $10 charge for a workbook (content is also provided in a flash-drive included with registration cost). Registration covers Learning materials flash-drive, a varroa testing kit, beekeeping supply catalogs, and more! Bee suits and beekeeping equipment will be available.

If you have any questions, please call 402-472-8378 or email: unlbeelab@unl.edu 

visit https://entomology.unl.edu/bee-lab

Make checks payable to: University of Nebraska

Send class fee to:

UNL Bee Lab
103 Entomology Hall
Lincoln, NE 68583-0816

Your seat will not be reserved until your payment has been received. 

State: Nebraska
Field Training: 

Course Date: 
Saturday, April 13. & Monday, April 15.

Course Time: 
Part 1: 9 am - 4 pm | Part 2: 5 pm - 8 pm

Course Location: 
Kimmel Orchard; 5995 G Road, Nebraska City, NE.

Course Cost: 
$55/per person + $15 for additional family member + optional $10 charge for a workbook